Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gordon Sasaki

BFA and MFA Alumni Gordon Sasaki advocates inclusion through the arts and has spent the last 20 years working with special needs populations. Since 1982 when his spine was injured in an automobile accident he has used a manual wheelchair. This incident and subsequent life experience underscores the importance of creativity in individual and broader societal contexts. Gordon understands the role art plays in the development of observational, analytical and language skills, as well as self esteem and confidence building. "The arts are absolutely essential and fundamental to children with different learning abilities" In both his personal work and teaching he strives to include broader voices and audiences. " My work in Hawai'i and now in New York has sought to make visible that which is unseen". Sasaki is currently a Teaching Artist Educator at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Gordon's work has been exhibited internationally in Belgium, Germany, Japan, Spain, and throughout the United States. Gordon has also been a recipient of awards and grants from the Pollock Krasner Foundation, The Puffin Foundation, The New York Foundation for the Arts, and the Hawai'i State Foundation on Culture and Arts, PX3 de la Photographia in Paris, and the Joan Mitchell Foundation in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Gordon Sasaki's artwork is currently on display at the UH Manoa Art Gallery as a part of the Degrees of Distinction: Alumni Invitational Exhibition.

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